Create your own private collection!
Curate a good list of things that inspire you, teaches you something, or makes you laugh!

A beautiful UI

Search and browse visually
A nice preview and useful information is automatically created about each site you add to bookmarker! It will let you search by the content and the hashtags you added when creating it.

Keep everything in sync

Access all your bookmarks from any of your Apple devices!
By login in with the same iCloud account, all your bookmarks will be synchronized and available for you offline in your iPhone and your Mac.


Keep your bookmarks private and encrypted!
Because all your data is in your private iCloud account, it is not being shared with anyone. No sharing with companies, no ads in your social network feeds.

Need help? Want to give us some feedback?

Do you have a question? Want to send us some feedback about your experience using Bookmarker? Want to chat with someone? do you want to send us some love???!